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How to migrate from a deprecated payment integration option to a new one

By the end of Apr 2024, all the old payment integrations on our form builder plans interface will be deprecated in phases. If you’re still using an old payment integration on your form, we recommend that you switch to our new and improved payment integrations to keep processing payments without interruption.

As a result of Braintree sunsetting the version of the integration being used under our Pro and Premier Plans, EmailMeForm will also be deprecating our Braintree integration offering from Feb 29, 2024. We have set up a quick guide here to guide you through the process.

When migrating from the deprecated payment integration to the new payment integration, please refer to the steps below:

(1) Determine which new payment integration you will migrate to. Please refer to this simple grid to help you determine which new integration is the one for you:


Review the new payment integration option. Once you have determined the new payment processor that you want to switch to, simply click on it on the new interface as seen in the screenshot below and review the required information that you will need for the switch:


(3) Get the Keys ready for setting up the new payment integration. 

For details on how to access the PayPal Checkout Client ID and Secret Key, please click here.
For details on how to access the Authorize.Net Accept API Login ID and Transaction Key, please click here.
For details on how to access the Stripe Checkout Live Secret Key and Test Secret Key, please click here.


(4) Access the existing setup and take a screenshot of the original payment settings. If your form is still using an old payment integration, you will see the message below. Click on the “View deprecated integration” button to view your old payment settings. Take a screenshot of the Merchant Setup, Payment Options, and Assign Prices sections.


(5) Start the migration by setting up the new integration.

For details on how to set up PayPal Checkout, please click here.
For details on how to set up Authorize.Net Accept, please click here.
For details on how to set up Stripe Checkout, please click here.
For details on how to set up Square, please click here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure to check the settings before saving. Once you have saved the form, you will no longer be able to access the old interface and the new settings will replace old deprecated settings.

(6) Optional. Test your payment settings by enabling sandbox mode. You can use the test credit card numbers listed here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Reminder that the form will not be able to process actual transactions for your clients while the Sandbox mode is turned ON. Make sure to disable the Sandbox mode once you’re done with testing and are ready to accept payment from your clients.

GENERAL SUGGESTION: Plan and time the migration during the off-peak hours for checkout.  Especially if you plan to enable sandbox mode for testing.

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