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How do I schedule (turn on/off) my form after a certain period of time (Promo Period)?

Any EmailMeForm form can be easily scheduled to automatically become active or inactive on a certain date or for promotional purposes with a validity period (for ex. to make sure no one submits an entry before or after the given period).

Let us follow the given steps:

1). Login to with your account credentials.

2). Hover mouse over the form you want to apply validity period to and select "Edit":

3). Locate and click "FormSettings" tab, scroll down to "Limit Form Activity" section of the settings:

4). Click "Schedule Form Activity" to activate the feature, and then fill in the dates for automatic activation/deactivation of your form.
5). Save your form.

Please, note:
In case you set the "Start Date" parameter on a timestamp in the future, submitters to your form will see the "Sorry, but this form is not accepting submissions just yet." error page instead of your form.
Otherwise, settings the "End Date" on some timestamp in the past, will lead your customers to "Sorry, but this form is no longer accepting submissions."
In order to change the standard error messages, you may use "Custom validation & text" feature. More information can be found here.

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