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How to get your Square access token and Location ID?


You will need to have a Square Seller account first,  before proceeding to getting your Square access tokens

  1. Go to Square’s Developer Dashboard and use your Square Seller account details to login.
  2. Add an Application:

  3. Name your application EMF or EmailMeForm integration
  4. Next Prompt: What will you build?  - Accept payments (Online, in-app, and in-person)

    1. Continue through the prompts to complete setting up the application. 
    2. After Setting up the Application, check In the Left Panel, choose Credentials

    3. At the top of the page, choose Production mode to get your production (Live) access token or Sandbox mode to get your Sandbox (Testing) access token.

    4. In the Production Access token or Sandbox Access token box, choose “Show” and then copy your tokens.

    5. After that, please navigate to Locations to obtain your Test Location ID and Live Location ID.
    6. Once you have your credentials, please follow the instructions provided here to complete the payment integration process. 
    Have more questions? Submit a request.


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