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Subscriptions Enabled Fields

To set up recurring payments for your PayPal Checkout integration, you will need to add a subscriptions enabled field on your form where your PayPal subscription plans are listed.

These are the subscription-enabled fields that you can use: dropdown and multiple choice.

Set the subscription field as Required or set a Default option, to prevent an error in case the form respondent accidentally leaves it empty.

After adding the subscription-enabled field of your choice, please make sure that the field options you provide are self-explanatory to help the form-filler to understand the plan details.


NOTE: On the Payment Settings page, you are allowed to select only one Subscription-enabled field.

NOTE: When using the Multiple Choice field as your Subscription-enabled field, do not enable the “Allow Other” option.



NOTE: When using the dropdown field to list your PayPal subscription plans, make sure to uncheck the “Use Placeholder” option.


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