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How to Add/Edit Sub Users?

If you want to add a sub user for the account and data management, you can easily do this in EmailMeForm. Follow the steps below to add a sub user.

Adding Sub User:

Login into your EmailMeForm account and click on the settings option on the right-hand side. We have included a screenshot in this article to give you a visual reference.

This will take you the user's page. Click New User button to add a user.

New User popup window will be displayed. Enter the Email Address, First Name and Last name of the user to be added. Then click "Create User" to create the new user. Please see the screenshot for reference.Add_New_User_2017.png

Editing Sub User:

If you want to edit the sub user details, you have the following options. Refer to the screenshot for reference.

* Select the user you want to manage / update
* You may grant administrator rights to the selected user if you would like
* If you want to update the basic details of the user, you may update that here as well
* At the bottom, there is a section where you can allow the selected user to create new forms, reports or themes
* You may also grant the selected user permission to edit a specific form / report / theme respectively
* Be sure to select "Save Changes" once you make your desired changes


We hope this helps! Feel free to submit a support ticket if you have any additional questions or concerns.

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