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Advanced Fields - Unique ID

A UniqueID Field is used when you would like to create a UniqueID/identification number for each submission. The field is only visible to form/account administrators instead of users. It is usually used to generate a reference number. The "UniqueID" field properties may be set once the field is clicked on.

Field Label: This property is the text placed next to the form field that describes the type of data you want visitors to input.

Current Index: It is set to be zero (0) by default, which will make the value of the next entry/submission’s ID plus one. Please note, if you change this value to lower number when there are submissions, it will affect uniqueness.

Prefix: Will be added before the ID. For example: when prefix is ORDER, the ID will be ORDER-00036.

Number Length: If the given number is greater than current index, zeros will be added before the ID. For example: when the number length is 5, current index is 1, and prefix is ORDER, then ID is ORDER-00001.

Field ID: This property is a unique value assigned to a specific field. It can be used in conjunction with dynamic tokens to insert entry data to customize the AutoResponder confirmation message. Note: This value is assigned after a form has been saved.

Once you set the field options, please do not forget to click "Save Form" to save your work.

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