An Image Field can allow you to add images to your form by uploading images to EmailMeForm’s could storage (Restriction differs on plans). The "Image" field properties may be set once the field is clicked on.
Field Label: This property is the text placed next to the form field that describes the type of data you want visitors to input.
Action: Clicking the “Add Image” button will direct you to the Image Wizard:
- Enter URL: Reference the image file from a web server;
- Upload Image File: Upload an image file to the cloud server;
- Choose From Existing Images: Use a previously uploaded Image.
Show Field to: Set the field to be “Everyone” or "Admin Only" by selecting that radio button.
Cell Align: You can select the field to be left, center, or right aligned by selecting from the “Cell Align” drop-down.
Image Size: This property set the visual size of the image in your form. You can enter a number or a percentage to the “Width” and “Height” to change the settings.
Hover Text: The hover text is the text that will be displayed when your mouse goes above the image. You can enter text to describe your image here.
Alternative Text: Enter alternative text here for large images that take time to load. When an image does not show up due to slow connections or browser, the alternative text will be displayed.
Link Image To: Enter a URL here to hyperlink the image. Best format: [^]
Image Source: This is the location of where the file is stored.
Caption: Enter descriptive text regarding the image to be displayed directly below it, this is useful for SEO.
Field ID: This property is a unique value assigned to a specific field. It can be used in conjunction with dynamic tokens to insert entry data to customize the AutoResponder confirmation message. Note: This value is assigned after a form has been saved.
Once you set the field options, please do not forget to click "Save Form" to save your work.