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How to add instructions or read only text field on the form?

When you are setting up a form and need to add some lines of text without a blank box with it for someone to enter text (it should be just information that a person will need to know with read-only permissions), it may be achieved using "Section break" field under green "Advanced" section in Form Builder.

Let's proceed with the steps:

1). Login to with your account credentials.

2). Hover mouse over the form you want to add the read-only text fields to and click the "Edit" icon.

3). Locate the "Section Break" field, use Drag-and-Drop to insert it into specified place between already placed fields or simply click on it to add it to the end of your form.


4) Click the newly added field to enter instructions to your submitters:


Use "Field Label" input box to enter a headline for the section of your form/survey and/or "Instructions for User" for a read-only text for your clients.

Don't forget to click Save Form!

Please refer to our Knowledge Base article for more information about "Section Break" field here:

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